Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Creme Brulee Whipped Cream!

Creme Brulee Whipped Cream!

Do you love homemade whipped cream or love whipped cream cupcakes and layer cakes? If the answer is yes, then this fast and easy recipe is for you. Its my all time fave and everyone loves it!

-1 pint of Heavy Cream
-1 small box of French Vanilla Instant Pudding

1. Chill a metal or glass deep mixing bowl in the freezer for 10-15 minutes, then remove.
2. Pour the whole container of heavy cream into the chilled bowl, next empty the pudding mix into it, starting on medium speed, beat the mixture with a hand electric mixer, for 2 minutes.
3. Raise mixer speed to high and beat until stiff peaks form about another minute.

Now you are ready to frost your fave cake or cupcake. If mixture is too thick, add some milk or light cream and beat into mixture.

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